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Flightcenter Kenya cheap flights Destination Guides > Central Caribbean > Caribbean > Saba and St Eustatius > Saba
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Those looking for the typical Caribbean tourist experience - drinking, gambling, beaches - will want to stick to next-door neighbor St. Maarten. But for a remote escape known for ecotourism, including hikes, climbs and spectacular dives, Saba delivers. The smallest island (five square miles) in the Netherlands Antilles, Saba is primarily a dormant volcano covered in rain forest. A single road (aptly named "The Road") takes visitors to quaint villages, where you can purchase the traditional Saba lace.
Flightcenter Kenya cheap flights Read It Here TOP RATED KENYA ATTRACTIONS
1.  Sea Saba Advanced Dive Center
2.  Saba Deep Dive Center
3.  Saba Divers
4.  Mount Scenery
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Flightcenter Kenya cheap flights Read It Here TOP RATED KENYA RESTAURANTS
1.  Brigadoon
2.  Tropic's Cafe
3.  Bistro del Mare
4.  Scout's Place Restaurant & Bar
5.  Brigadoon
6.  Rainforest Restaurant at Ecolodge
7.  The Gate House Restaurant
8.  Saba's Treasure
9.  Restaurant Eden
10.  In Two Deep

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